Making a difference in Cardiovascular Disease

Following the success of the #100PeerLeaders campaign, the Lived Experience team at NHS England will be running themed events throughout 2023 to demonstrate the impact and difference made by people, local communities and organisations working together.

The first event in this series will focus on Cardiovascular Disease and will take place on Wednesday 8th March 1pm-2pm on Microsoft Teams. At this event, you will hear from people with lived experience of cardiovascular disease and from people working within the health and care system, who, together, are striving to promote ways to support people living with cardiovascular disease or those who may be at risk from developing it.

The events welcome anyone to join who has lived experience of living with a long-term condition or those in a caring capacity, and people working in local communities and the health and care system wanting to learn more about working with people to create change.

To register, please click here: